By clicking Add to Cart below, I understand that our Custom Made Bobbleheads are in no mean to be the exact replicas of the person(s) in the photos. While most of our customers are thrilled with our work and manage their expectation properly, some customers may not. If you are a perfectionist and expecting exact replica(s), we will recommend that you NOT to click Add to Cart and to complete the order.
By clicking Add to Cart, I also understand that the Production Method and Service selected above is an estimate and based on the assumption that customers approve their work promptly (within 24 hours) without delay. While we manage to produce and ship on time for most cases, we cannot control factors such as delayed customer responses, many rounds of revisions and delays from couriers. Thus, you understand that this is a best-effort service and by no means a guarantee. You understand that no refund will be issued if the delay is caused by factors beyond our control. including, but not limited to, what’s described above.
By clicking Add to Cart, I further understand that that since the custom bobblehead is unique for each customer and thus has no resell value, custom bobblehead order is non-cancellable and nonrefundable once the process starts. So please think carefully before placing the order.